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 Introduction to Python Spring 2021 Workshop Series 


Rodgers librarians will host three virtual introductory Python workshops. Upon completion of the workshop series, attendees will have an introductory understanding of Python syntax and core programming concepts such as repeating tasks, as well as the ability to load and plot data. You will need to register for the workshops at the Zoom links below and have an active Google account if you would like to follow along interactively with us in your own Google Colaboratory Python Notebook. Below is a tentative topic outline of the individual workshops: 



Introduction to Python Workshop Series 1: Getting Started 


Attendees will learn how to: 


    • Work with Python in Google Colaboratory 

    • Load data into Colaboratory notebooks, import Python libraries, save/share          notebooks, and format notebooks 

    • Get help in Python and view documentation 

    • Work with Python scalar and data structure variables 


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