Tuesday, October 3, 2023 5:30pm to 6:30pm
About this Event
View map Free Event Add to calendarThe Sarah Moody Gallery of Art is pleased to present the exhibition, Tom Stanley: Painting and Drawing and Discovering a Practice, August 31 to October 3, 2023.
There will be an artist lecture on Tuesday, October 3, at 4:30 p.m. in Gorgas Library’s Yellowhammer Room (second floor), and a closing reception following the lecture from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., directly across the street in the gallery.
This exhibition was conceived as an examination of the artist’s studio practice. Stanley works in series with limitations of size, color and imagery and uses recurring shapes such as triangles and figurative elements of houses and boats. Typical media are acrylic on canvas and on paper. Although using common graphic strategies like mechanical drawing, silhouette, and sgraffito, his painting relies on evolving techniques that he has discovered in the process of making.
Tom Stanley has exhibited his work internationally at GALLERY twenty-four, Berlin; Galerie du Marché, Lausanne; Musée de la Halle Saint Pierre, Paris; and Casa-Museu Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Portugal. In the US he has exhibited in many locations including the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts; Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art and The George Gallery, Charleston, SC; Hodges Taylor Art Consultancy and Gallery at Carillon, Charlotte, NC; Hampton III Gallery and The Fine Arts Center in Greenville, SC; if ART and 701 Center for Contemporary Art in Columbia, SC; Artspace, Raleigh, NC; SECCA (Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art), Winston-Salem, NC; and Lander University, Greenwood, SC. Find out more here: https://art.ua.edu/smga/smga-showcases-artist-tom-stanley/
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