Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12pm to 1:15pm
About this Event
http://http/ Bonus Programs
TUS 172 – TUS 179 Complimentary Bonus Programs – Open to the Public
A Great Way to Share OLLI with a Friend
Jan.18, 25; Feb.1, 8, 15, 22; March 1, 8
Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Coordinator: Sandra Hall Ray
Location: Bryant Conference Center
TUS 178/ OL 178 White House - Protection for The Public
March 1
Stewart McLaurin
The White House is easily recognized as a symbol of America, most often visible at holidays and official events. But a rare glimpse into the interiors only occurred when Jacqueline Kennedy was First Lady and gave us regular citizens a tour. From her desire came the White House Historical Association, founded to collect and exhibit the best of American history and culture. The head of this special organization is one of our own, Stewart McLaurin, who will join us to talk about the association, Christmas ornaments, presidential portraits, and podcasts, among other projects they oversee.
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