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240 Paul W Bryant Dr, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

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TUSCALOOSA Ala, UA’s Child Development Resources (CDR) is hosting a state-wide conference titled "Connections: The Power Behind High-Quality Caregiving" to focus on the uniqueness and importance of infant and toddler development. Presented by the Alabama Infant Toddler Specialist Network (housed at CDR) and the Alabama Department of Human Resources, the event will present the very first Infant-Toddler Teaching Credentialing system for teachers working with infants and toddlers in the state of Alabama.

While connecting with colleagues, participants will hear from nationally known speakers with expertise in teaching, clinical work and research centered on the needs and behaviors of young children and supporting the workforce who care for this population.

Conference attendees will consider questions and ideas about such topics as, the importance of early relationships; teaching children with special support needs; the science of early movement and its developmental role; and relationship-based strategies and practices for building strong parent partnerships.

All center-based and family care educators serving infants and toddlers, as well as administrators supervising infant-toddler programs in Alabama are welcome and encouraged to attend. The conference is also open to coaches, consultants and professional development providers supporting the infant-toddler workforce.

Attendees can register for in-person or virtual participation by contacting registration services at 205-348-3000. 

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  • Delena Mitchell

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