About this Event
Add to calendarUA students and employees can receive free flu shots from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the Quad. UA or other forms of health insurance are not required. Employees and students must bring their CWID.
The College of Community Health Sciences is leading the UA campus-wide effort to vaccinate students and employees, and their spouses, against the flu this year. During the months of September, October and November, nurses from the College's University Medical Center, and from the University's Student Health Center and Capstone College of Nursing, will be located at sites across campus providing free flu shots. WellBAMA is also participating in the flu shot campaign.
For updates and additional times and locations, visit http://cchs.ua.edu/flushot and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
To request proof of flu shot immunization or to submit a media request, please visit http://cchs.ua.edu/flushot.